Monday, April 14, 2014

5 Favorite Quotes

    "A step at a time. One problem at a time-just figure out this one problem. Day by day, solving one problem at a time, Salva moved toward his goal" Salva, pg. 110

    "Nya went back and picked up the plastic can. She felt as if she were flying. School! She would learn to read and write!" Nya pg. 104

   "More clothes? Salva shook his head. How can I possibly wear any more clothes?" Salva pg. 92

   "There it was. Salva Dut- Rochester, New York. Salva was going to New York. He was going to America!" Salva pg. 89

   "Nya waited her turn in line. She was holding a plastic bottle. The well was finally finished." Nya pg. 111 

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