Monday, April 21, 2014

Main Theme


       The main theme of this book is, "Be grateful for what you have, and cherish your family". In this book the two characters have to overcome many challenges, and they have to risk their lives to help their family. Nya a 11-year-old walks through the hot dessert every day to a pond to fetch water for her family. Nya describes it by, "It would take her half the morning if she didn't stop on the way. Heat. Time. And thorns."  In America we turn a knob and water comes out of the faucet. Nya though has to travel twice every day to gather water from a mucky dirty pond. We should be thankful that we have water and food readily available, and we don't have to walk to a pond that's 4 hrs away. Salva has to flee from his family for safety in the bush and then to Ethiopia, Kenya, and finally America. Salva has to live in refugee camps, travel across a desert, and paddle across the Nile. His uncle dies along with his best friend who gets eaten by a lion. Salva says " It had been almost nineteen years since they had last seen each other." And… and my mother?' Salva asked, barely daring to hope. His father smiled. ' She is back in the village.' " Salva wants to go see his mother but he cannot because there is still war going on. This should remind us to really take to heart and cherish the family you have. Someday they might not be there so really spend time with them as often as you can. Be thankful that you don't have to live in refuge camps, and your family isn't torn apart by war. This book has many important lessons but, being thankful  for what you have, and loving the family you have really stuck out to me. 

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