Monday, April 7, 2014

Salva Dut

             Salva Dut is the founder of "Water for South Sudan". He was part of the group, lost boys of Sudan, that fled for safety into the bush. They traveled a 1,500 mile journey across the dessert to a refugee camp in Ethiopia and then later where moved out, to a camp in Kenya. During their journey, 5,000 of the 17,000 boys died from bombs,soldiers, animals,and starvation. Later in 1996 Salva was one of the first 3,800 boys that were moved and displaced to the United States. Salva spent 15 years in the United States and got a 2 year associates degree. Then he found out his father was ill with water bone disease. When he saw his father, they told him that the main reason his father was like this was because of the dirty water. Salva later went back to the United States and helped begin "Water for South Sudan". He now travels back and forth from the United States to Southern Sudan helping dig borehole wells for the people there.


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